Wednesday 17 June 2015

Woman Caught Eating Bowl Of Cereal While Driving


This is the moment a motorist was apparently caught scoffing down a bowl of cereal while driving a luxury 4X4 on a busy road.
Captured by cyclist David Williams using a camera mounted on his helmet, the video footage shows him riding down a road in Surrey.

He then turns left off the main road and passes a number of cars waiting to join the flow of traffic he has just left.
As he passes the slow moving vehicles, he notices as woman sitting in the driving seat of a red Land Rover who has a white bowl in one hand and the wheel in the other.
Mr Williams then circles around the 4X4 and goes up to the passenger window where he calls on the woman to drop her breakfast as she sat in her car in Creek Road in Hampton Court, west London.
He firmly says to her: "Put that down! You're on camera - you're going to the police. I've got your number. Absolutely ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous - you're a bloody danger."
It appears as if his demands were not met as the video ends with the woman slowly driving off with the white bowl still in one hand and the wheel in the other.

He then speaks to a driver in a car behind and cries: "She's eating her breakfast - she's eating a bowl of cereal."
The driver of the blue Honda Civic behind asks: "While she's driving?"
"Yeah," Mr Williams replies.
Mr Williams, 47, of nearby Long Ditton, said he planned to report the woman to police. He cycles about 100 or more miles every week around Elmbridge and to and from Kingston.
He said what he saw "beggars belief". He said: "You can see her car is moving from a long way back and just as I pull alongside her she's put some food in her mouth.
"She just carries on driving. We've all eaten Mars bars or something - or had a drink of Coke - but nothing like this.
"I mean - who takes a bowl of cereal into the car?
"I regularly see dangerous driving - but I've never seen anything like that."
Surrey Police messaged Mr Williams and said an officer would be in touch to get the footage and try to identify the woman in the video.
A Surrey Police spokeswoman said: "Police will be looking in to it a lot more. Surrey Road Cops will also tweet back to the poster with something of that affect so people can see police will look into it."

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