Friday 10 April 2015

S Carolina Police Release Second Video

S Carolina Police Release Second Video
South Carolina officials have released a new video showing the moments before a US police officer killed an unarmed black man by shooting him in the back.
The footage shows Walter Scott's car being pulled over and Officer Michael Slager asking for his paperwork. 
After Mr Slager returns to his police vehicle, Mr Scott opens his door and runs, leaving a passenger in the car.
Mr Slager was arrested on murder charges after another video showed him shooting at Mr Scott as he fled.
The newly released video from the officer's dashboard camera shows Mr Slager pulling over Mr Scott's Mercedes sedan due to a broken tail light, and asking for his driving licence and registration.
Mr Scott explains that he is in the progress of purchasing the vehicle and does not have the correct paperwork with him.
Although the video does not capture Mr Slager firing eight shots, gunshots and shouting are heard off-screen
"Get on the ground now!" Mr Slager is heard shouting.
Later in the video, another police officer questions the passenger in the car and releases him. Lawyers for Mr Scott's family told CNN that they are looking for the passenger.
After the first video of the incident emerged on Tuesday, protesters held rallies in North Charleston, chanting "no justice, no peace".
They are the latest protests about police use of lethal force, which began after the killing of Michael Brown, a teenager in Ferguson, by a police officer who was not charged for his death.

US police: Controversial recent killings

April 2015: Walter Lamer Scott, 50, is shot eight times in South Carolina as he runs away from Officer Michael Slager. Mr Scott dies at the scene. The shooting is captured on video and Mr Slager is charged with murder.

December 2014: Jerame Reid, 36, is shot dead during a routine traffic stop in New Jersey. An officer claims Mr Reid was reaching for a gun, but video footage seems to suggest he was attempting to step out of the car, hands raised.

November 2014: Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old boy, is shot dead in a playground by Cleveland police after a local resident reports he is pointing a gun at passers by. The gun turns out to be a toy. A grand jury will decide whether police will face charges.

August 2014: Michael Brown, an unarmed 18-year-old, is shot dead by Officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri. The shooting leads to protests, first in Ferguson and later nationwide. A grand jury decides not to charge Mr Wilson.

July 2014: Eric Garner, an asthma sufferer, is stopped by police in New York and placed in a chokehold after refusing to be handcuffed. He dies despite repeatedly telling officers he cannot breathe. No police are charged.

March 2014: James Boyd, an unarmed homeless man camping in Alberquerque, is shot dead by two officers. Video of the incident leads prosecutors to say the officers acted with "deliberate intention" and they are charged.

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