Friday 10 April 2015

Sandra Bullock’s Chilling 911 Call

Sandra Bullock’s Chilling 911 Call (1)
Terrified Sandra Bullock was forced to hide in a closet in her bedroom and call 911 after an intruder broke into her home.
The Oscar-winning actress’ panicked 911 call was played to a court on Thursday, where they heard Bullock’s 15-minute conversation with an emergency services operator.

“Someone has broken into my house. I'm hiding in the closet,” she says before adding that she thought “it was a man”.
The Blind Side actress, whose son Louis was not at home at the time of the incident at 6.30am on June 8 2014, revealed that she had locked herself into a closet.
“I'm locked in my closet. I have a safe door in my bedroom, and I've locked it, and I'm locked in the closet right now,” she said.
She also revealed that she had security cameras around her home, but wasn’t sure where the break in occurred but had heard it the terrifying noise.
“I couldn't hear what door it was. It was just a loud -- loud crash,” the panicked star told the operator.
The call was placed after the star heard a strange sound and saw an unknown man in her home heading towards her attic.
Sandra Bullock’s Chilling 911 Call (2)
Joshua Corbett, who appeared in court today, has been charged with stalking the actress and breaking into the actress’ home last year.
A police officer has testified that 39-year-old Corbett was holding a two-page letter to the star and a black notebook along with magazine photos of her when he was arrested by police.
Los Angeles police Officer Jose Bermudez testified. “He said, ‘I'm sorry. I love you Sandy.’”
Three days before Corbett was arrested inside Bullock's home, he was seen on security footage outside the property gates.
Security footage showed Corbett outside Bullock's gate each of the three days before his arrest.
In notes written about Bullock, Los Angeles police Detective Christina Carlozzi read entries in court where he called the actress his wife as well as declaring his love for her. He also said that he wanted to have sex with Bullock, as well as referring security levels at her home.
Reading from Corbett’s notebook, Carlozzi said: “There is two large impervious gates that no one can open but you’.”
Bullock is not expected to testify at Corbett’s preliminary hearing, where a judge will determine if there is enough evidence for a trial.
Corbett has plead not guilty to all charges brought against him including having a heavy arsenal of illegal weapons including machine guns that were allegedly found at his home.

Culled From Mirror

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