Sunday 19 April 2015

Mum Responds To Cruel Note Left On Her Disabled Daughter's Car

Mum Responds To Cruel Note Left On Her Disabled Daughter's Car
Corinna Skorpenske from Ohio has had her Facebook post shared thousands of times after she decided to respond to a cruel note left on her disabled daughter's car.

Ms Skorpenske's daughter Harley had parked her car outside a pharmacy in Columbus, Ohio, and returned to find a note on her vehicle.
It read:
"You should be ashamed!!
When you take a handicap spot an actual disabled person suffers.
You were not raised as you should have".
In fact, as her mother wrote in this response on her Facebook page, she suffers from the painful disease LUPUS.

To The Person Who left This on My Daughters Car,
Wishing so much for you to have stopped and talked to this amazing person before leaving this. If you had, you would have known that my daughter has a disease.
Since she was 16 years old, she has been suffering from LUPUS. Basically, her immune system thinks her body inside and out is something bad and attacks it

Ms Skorpenske ended her post:
"Many people suffer with these "GHOST" diseases, which you can't see but are just as bad as a physical disability. People die of depression, but we can't see that."
She also said that she hoped the note leaver would find the post so that they might realise that Harley was a good person:
"It is my wish to find you. Not to tell you how wrong you were in leaving that note and how you might have turned my daughter's day bad. But to give you the opportunity to meet My Girl. I think you would love her."
"Please Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover!".

Culled From Mirror

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