Friday, 17 April 2015

Schoolboy Stabs Teacher During Chemistry Lesson

Schoolboy Stabs Teacher During Chemistry Lesson (1)

schoolboy has been sent to a psychiatric hospital amid claims he smashed a classmate over the head with a chair before later stabbing a teacher.
The 13-year-old is alleged to have knifed the teacher during a chemistry lesson in President Putin’s home city of Saint Petersburg, Russia.

According to reports, the trouble began when the teen was sent home by school psychologist Nina Fedchenko, 39, who also wanted to talk to his parents.
However the boy refused to let her inside, and instead followed her back to school where he is said to have tried to attack her with a knife.
The psychologist fended him off with an umbrella until the struggle was seen by physical education teacher Natalia Toporova, 43, who ran to her aid.
Schoolboy Stabs Teacher During Chemistry Lesson (2)
Gorski is accused of stabbing Mrs Toporova in the leg.
School principal Lubov Shepikhina said: "Natalia went to help but got stabbed in the leg herself and lost a lot of blood.
"Her vein was severed and she was rushed to hospital where she is now making a recovery.
"We have never had an incident like this at the school before, it has shocked us all. The boy will not be coming back."
Two male teachers grabbed the boy and held him down until police arrived.
The teenager has since been sent to a psychiatric hospital where he will undergo tests.

Culled From Mirror

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