Saturday 20 June 2015

Woman Caught With £75k Of Cocaine In Breast Implants

Woman Caught With £75k Of Cocaine In Breast Implants (1)
THIS is the moment a Honduran woman carrying £75,000 worth of liquid cocaine in breast implants is stopped by police at an airport on her way to Europe.
Paola Deyanira Sabillon, 22, was trying to travel to Barcelona with 1.5kg (3.3lbs) of liquid cocaine inside her after surgery at a clinic.

She was stopped at El Dorado International Airport in the Colombian capita Bogota.
Last night Paola was said to be in a critical condition in hospital after doctors discovered she was suffering an infection when they removed the implants.
The surgery to fit the liquid cocaine implants is understood to have taken place at a clinic in Pereira, western Colombia.
Police in Pereira are trying to identify the clinic and discover how many other women have agreed to smuggle drugs the same way as human mules.
Police chief Humberto Guatibonza said: “She confessed she had drugs in breast implants and that she was going to be met in Barcelona by a group of people including a doctor who would operate on her to remove them.”
Woman Caught With £75k Of Cocaine In Breast Implants (2)

Earlier this month a drug mule was caught at the same airport with POUNDS 1.5 million worth of cocaine he hadn’t even bothered disguising.
Officers filmed the moment they zipped open one of the holdalls to find 20 kilo-bricks of cocaine wrapped in cling film and did a preliminary cocaine test in front of the suspect.
He was picked out from a queue where he was waiting to pick up a boarding pass to fly to Mexico.
He told officers he was called Victor Munoz and admitted twice under questioning he knew what the cases contained before police opened them to find them filled full of cocaine.
El Dorado International Airport is one of the most controlled in the world, patrolled round the clock by specialist officers with sniffer dogs.

Culled From Mirror

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