Saturday 20 June 2015

Austria: 3 Dead, 34 injured As Man Plough Car Into Crowds

Austria: 3 Dead, 34 injured As Man Plough Car Into Crowds

At least three people have been killed and another 34 injured after a SUV ploughed into a crowd of people in Graz, Austria.
The driver reportedly drove his vehicle at speed into the crowd - sending several people crashing into the windshield and flying over the car - before getting out and stabbing bystanders with a knife.

It is feared that a seven-year-old boy is among those killed in the onslaught on its main shopping street of Herrengasse.
Police said the driver had been arrested and the downtown area where the incident occurred sealed off. There was no immediate indication why he ploughed into the crowd.
And eyewitness told the BBC he saw bodies lying on the ground 'covered in blood' - including a young boy.
The driver has been arrested but police believe he acted alone and have no reason to believe it was a terrorist attack.
He is believed to be a 26-year-old Austrian who was distressed over personal problems when he ploughed into a crowd of innocent people, police have said. 
Provincial Governor Hermann Schuetzenhoefer said at least one of his injured victims is in a critical condition

Culled From Naijaeforum

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