Monday 13 April 2015

The Blingest Wedding In History

The Blingest Wedding In History (1)
 Could this be the blingest wedding in history?
These photos reveal the opulent splendour of the wedding of the Sultan of Brunei's son, which boasted emeralds the size of quails' eggs and crystal-encrusted Christian Louboutin shoes.

Prince Abdul Malik, 31, who's father is one of the world's richest men, married his bride Dayangku Raabi'atul 'Adawiyyah Pengiran Haji Bolkiah amidst a sea of gold at the 1,788-room royal palace in the capital of Brunie, Bandar Seri Begawan.
The prince and his bride exchanged vows in front of friends and family and a host of nobility from around the world.
The incredible ceremony featured gold diamond-encrusted outfits, a bouquet made of jewels, and a pair of shoes fitted with crystals.
The Blingest Wedding In History (2)
Prine Abdul Malik is the sultan's youngest child and is second in the line to the throne. 
He and his bride can be seen seated next to each other as part of the enthronement ceremony - part of the wedding festivities, which began on April 5.
The celebration will end on 15 April.
The royal couple are pictured perched on gilded thrones at the palace, which is thought to be the world's largest still lived in.
The Blingest Wedding In History (3)
The couple are pictured in traditional Malay dress.
The bride, 22, a systems data analyst and IT instructor, wore a diamond tiara studded with six emeralds, the Daily Mail reports.
Brunei is a large supplier of oil and gas located on part of the island of Borneo in South East Asia.
The sultanate is dates back to the 15th century.
It gained independence from Britain in 1984.

Culled From Mirror

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