Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Mum Suffocates Child Because Of Jealousy

The devastated dad of a five-year-old girl suffocated by her "jealous" mum has told of his horror after returning home to find her lifeless on her bed. 
Taras Molokanova, 50, found his "little princess" dressed up and surrounded by her toys after he was suffocated by her mum, police said.

Taras said he was expecting to walk in and be greeted by his blonde daughter Greta when returning home from work – but instead found her dead.
He said: "I walked in expecting to be greeted by my little girl.
"But the house was in complete silence.
"I went into the bedroom and saw my little princess lying on the bed with her favourite toys around her.
"She was dressed in her best clothes and at first I thought she was asleep.
"But then I realised she wasn’t breathing and she was dead."
Police are now hunting Greta's mum Swarthy Inna, 42, who went on the run after leaving a note next to her daughter's body, blaming her husband for the killing.
The girl's body was found in her home, in the city of Konotop in northern Ukraine.
A police spokesman said Swarthy Inna was jealous of her daughter, because Taras spent all his money on Greta.
The spokesman said: "She left a note saying that she had killed the girl because her husband didn’t earn enough money and what he did earn he spent on his daughter.
"She said she had dressed the girl up and surrounded her with toys to show him how much the girl had compared to her."
Family friend Leon Lavrov, 55, said he is "completely shocked" by the news of Greta's death.
"Greta was such a beautiful little girl, always smiling and happy," he said.
"Her father adored her and would do anything for her.
"We just can’t believe what has happened."
Now police say they are searching for the girl’s mother.
A police spokesman said: "She left a note saying that she had killed the girl because her husband didn’t earn enough money and what he did earn he spent on his daughter. "She said she had dressed the girl up and surrounded her with toys to show him how much the girl had compared to her.

Culled From Mirror

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