Tuesday 31 March 2015

Human-Faced Lamb Terrifies Village

Human-Faced Lamb
A lamb born with a face 'like an angry old man with a big nose' has avoided the chop after a circus made an offer for her. 
Proud owner Blasius Lavrentiev's shock soon turned to delight after he was already offered 10 times the normal price for her.

Sheep farmer Lavrentiev, 45, from the village of Chirka close to the Republic of Dagestan in south-western Russia, had been waiting all week for his prized ewe to give birth.
He said: "We had quite a tough winter and when I noticed she was pregnant I was delighted as it meant I would be able to sell the lambs and start making some money again.
"But when I went down to see how it was going I nearly died from shock when I saw what looked like the hairy face of an old man staring up at me.
"Her parents are both normal looking sheep so I have no idea how she ended up looking like this."
Now the human-faced lamb has become the talk of the village.
Neighbour Dementi Galkin, 65, said: "I’ve seen some weird stuff in my time, but nothing like this.
"She looks like an angry old man with a big nose."
Villager Dana Mishina, 56, said: "She is both freaky and sweet.
"I don’t know what to make of it really. But she terrifies my grandchildren."
"It will be interesting to see what she looks like when she gets older."
Local vet Dorofei Gavrilov, 49, said: "From what we can make out the anomaly is the result of the farmer giving the lamb’s mother too much vitamin A.
Proud owner Lavrentiev however has found his shock turn to delight after he was already offered 10 times the normal price - from a local circus - and several other enquiries have also come in since then.
He said: "Whatever has caused it she’s a little beauty and I definitely won’t be selling her for anyone’s dinner table either as the buyers want her on display.
"She’ll be staying with us until then."

Culled From Mirror

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