Saturday, 21 March 2015

Baby Lies: Husband Awarded £40K

Baby Lies: Husband Awarded £40K

 A mum who duped her husband into thinking he had fathered their child faces a bill topping £100,000

Judge Deborah Taylor ordered the businesswoman to pay him £40,000 compensation, plus his legal costs of more than £60,000.

He had offered to settle for just £12,500.

The lecturer this week told central London county court that without his knowledge the child was created using sperm provided to an IVF clinic by a former boyfriend of his wife.
He split from his wife when the boy was a few months old, but she didn’t drop the “bombshell” until he was was five.

A DNA test confirmed he was not the dad.

The woman, now in her 50s, said she thought her ex-husband always knew he was “not necessarily” the father.

The couple had wed in 2002 and in 2004 went to the clinic in Barcelona, where the man gave sperm.
She returned with the former boyfriend.

Barrister Thomas Brudenell said his “shattered” client wanted damages for “distress and humiliation”, lost earnings and maintenance paid.

The judge ruled the identity of the couple, who are now divorced, stay secret.

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