Tuesday 27 January 2015

Woman Marries Herself


A woman has married herself after failing to find the man of her dreams before turning 40.

Yasmin Eleby, from Houston, Texas, tied the knot in a purple gown earlier this month, surrounded by her closest friends and family.

As one cannot legally marry one's self in America, the ceremony was spiritual rather than legal, conducted by three ministers, one of whom is Ms Eleby's sister.
According to Black Art in America, the bridal party included ten bridesmaids as well as the bride's mother, who walked her down the aisle.

In an emotional Facebook post afterwards, Ms Eleby said that she 'couldn't imagine the ceremony being any more poignant and meaningful.'

She added: 'I was overwhelmed with the outpouring of love and support that was shown to me during my celebration of love and life.'

In turn, her friends have been nothing but supportive.

One replied: 'Congrats on loving yourself enough to wait. It took some of us to get to 40 to recognize we didn't need a man to be complete regardless of what was instilled in us.'

And another called it 'a well-deserved celebration of life.'

Ms Eleby first announced that she would be marrying herself in May 2013.

She wrote on Facebook: 'Did you guys really think I would get married without letting anybody know????? I want all y’all to dance at my wedding so I wouldn’t do it without you! So be ready by 2015!!!!!! [sic]'

Ms Eleby loves to travel and her plans to visit Cambodia, Laos, and Dubai this year will serve as an extended honeymoon.

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