Friday 23 January 2015

Is Lindsay Heading To Jail?


Lindsay will use a mosquito defense when her lawyer goes to court next week to announce her client has failed A SECOND TIME to complete her community service ... and this could land her in jail, TMZ has learned.

Lindsay is due in court Wednesday to prove she completed her community service in connection with her 2012 reckless driving case ... where she slammed into an 18-wheeler on PCH.

She was required to perform 240 hours of community service, but on November 6, 2014 -- when she was required to show proof of completion -- her lawyer, Shawn Holley, told hizzoner LiLo had completed nearly HALF the hours. 

So the judge set a second date for Lindsay to show proof of completion -- next Wednesday. But TMZ has learned Lindsay isn't even close to finishing.

Her excuse ... the community service center in London was closed for 2 weeks during the holidays and she ended up in the hospital with a mosquito virus. Here's the problem ... she got the virus while vacationing in Bora Bora, instead of putting in her time.

And there's a bigger problem. She screws up a lot and has lots of excuses. Here's a partial list:

-- 2009 ... Lindsay failed to complete her alcohol ed program

-- 2010 ... Bench warrant issued after Lindsay was a no show, claiming she was in Cannes and her passport was stolen

-- 2010 ... Bench warrant issued after her SCRAM bracelet went off at the MTV Music Awards after party

-- 2010 ... Lindsay failed to complete her alcohol ed program

-- 2010 ... Lindsay allegedly beats up a woman at Betty Ford

-- 2010 ... Probation revoked after cocaine found in her system

-- 2013 ... Late to court after missing a flight

Will the mosquito defense fly? The prosecutor hasn't said, but he could ask for jail.

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