Sunday, 11 January 2015

Husband Romantic Treats Turns Sour


A soldier from Fort Bragg was shot in the chest by his wife on Friday morning when he tried to surprise her with breakfast in bed.

According to police in Fayetteville, Zia Zegule, 28, left for the military base as usual at around 8am but snuck back soon after to prepare his romantic treat.

However, Zegule tripped the burglar alarm and when he approached the bedroom door was shot through the closed door at around 10am by Tiffany Segule, 27, who had gone back to sleep after he left.

Police said that Segule came home through the front door but it is not clear whether he announced himself before he was shot by his wife.

Realizing to her horror what had happened, Tiffany Segule called 911 and when paramedics arrived her husband was talking and described as responsive in the ambulance.

He is currently stable and is expected to be released from hospital in North Carolina soon.

Police have said that Segule may have been spooked and trigger happy because of a number of recent home invasions in the neighborhood.

'She was doing what she felt was right and to defend herself at that time,” said Antoine Kincade with the Fayetteville Police Department to WTVR.

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